Sights of Pomp and Sights of Horror

For when we see thousands and thousands collecting to behold the ginger-bread pageantry of Lord Mayor’s Day, and the feudal splendor of a young German Prince who has been fortunate enough to become the Queen’s husband, and to whom the people are unfortunate enough to pay about 47,000L a year, independently of his royal wife’s immense revenue,—when we remember that these traditionary specimens of barbaric mummery would not be persisted in at all, were it not for the species of enthusiasm that appears to welcome their appearance,—and when we recollect that they would sink into utter insignificance and perish of pure inaction were the people to display a rational spirit by remaining away from them,—we really think that it is the fault of the millions themselves if common sense be thus insulted by the donkeyism of Lord Mayor’s Day and flunkeyism of princely processions.